Volker Poblete Castillo sent us in a picture and a video of his 1970 Cadillac Eldorado in Germany.
Hi, my name is Volker, I am from germany and since I was a little kid i´m impressed off old and big US Classic cars. I have owned other US cars(79 Camaro, 02 Chrysler 300m) before but this is my first Cadillac. It is not in showroom condition but it runs and the powerfull engine makes me smile each time I pump the gas…the sound off the 500ci…..Most off the time I drive it slow and carefull. The Cadillac will be restored step by step.
Got a contact in Phönix to get parts for my old Lady.
You can also see a video on YouTube
dear sr.volker poblete your 1970 cadillac,i love it , its looks , like new.
pero precioso tenes muy vuen carro y clasico,el cadillac. mio es brougham 1988 2 brougham 1993 the classic 1952 soy loco por los cadillacs.
saludes de costa rica centro america.
Hola Carlos Chavarria
Yo hablo un pocito espanol porque yo visito Chile y Argentina a vezes. La ultima vez en 2004. Gracias!
Volker Poblete Castillo
You have a great start for your 70 Eldo.
I just finished a 2 year build on my 1970, it was featured with Vinny on this site, check it out with Vinny.
I would be more than happy to share the uniqueness of this model with , if you care to.
Long live the Cadillacs of yesterday ans a salute to the new ones coming like the Ciel , which uses the similar tailights look from the our early front wheel drive Eldos.
Hi Jerry,
i allways wanted to have a big old Cadillac. Now i´m so proud to own one! Greatfull cars with a lot off technical features. There are actually some fine Cadillac modells to. I like the CTS-V. Powerfull and luxury…that´s the definition off Cadillac .
Volker, Your Caddy is beautiful. Really enjoyed your presentation, are you in film work, or just talanted? I would like to learn how to create a presentation like that. Slide show aside, the car is supurb, I wish you luck in your project. Please keep us updated as to your progress.
I spent four years in Germany, and we all wanted the German cars, funny how things work out.
Thanks Earle
There is some work done on this old lady right now. Got the trunk lock emblem now too. In the vid. it is missing. Trought his winter there will be done some bodywork.
It is very easy to make a video like that. I use the windows 7 movie maker. The Vista movie maker is easy to use aswell. You can bring in pictures or videos and cutt it together.
In wich town off germany you´ve been?
Yes i know the whole world like “german cars” like Mercedes, BMW….. in germany there are soooo many off them…they can´t turn my head. The problem is, they all look the same. You´ve got to take a look at the emblem to know if it is a Audi, Mercedes, Opel, Volkswagen or whatever…. In my opinion there are only a couple off german cars that got a special style. The old VW Beetle is one off them, the Porsche 911 the other one.
Your 70 eldorado looks in very good condition. I think if I were in Germsny I head for the nearest autobahn and let her loose. I especially liked the photo by the nice old looking German building and hearing James Brown was good too, Danke
Hi Ken,
you´ve got a german lastname?!
The building is called “Schloß Wittringen”, the city is called Gladbeck. There are a lot off Castles like that in germany. “Schloß Raesfeld” is another one, build by the same owner. I think you´ll find a lot off pictures at Google.
Your interior is in excellent condition. I doesn’t even look 41 years old!
Hi Frank,
the backseat and the doorpanels need to be restored. There are some cracks in the leather. The front seat was in good condition but nearly black. It was a lot off work to make it white again…
Hey Volker….great montage but superb Eldorado….guess what, I’ve got a similar one, 1970 and in Madrid, Spain…..that makes us two in Europe that I know of who are proud owner of such a beautiful car. Mine still in great shape, in white and black top…..but original color was blue…
Interested to find have Phoenix contact for parts!
Hi Dhiren,
Spain is a nice country. I´ve seen Alicante Granada, the Alhambra, Malaga, Marbella, Cadis then Gibraltar and at last with a shipp to Tanger/Marocco. It was a interessting trip.
Hi Volker,
I need some parts for my Eldorado. Do you mind share your Phoenix contact with me to get the parts? I can be reached on dhiren.seeruttun@gmail.com
i´ve send you a Email.
Good luck!
Here is a link to Jerry’s Cadillac https://www.cadillaccountryclub.com/blog/1970-cadillac-eldorado-in-canada/
Hi Volker,
great car, keep it this way. Had a 79 Olds Cutlass in Germany, remember the taxes or was is the insurance was quite high because of the engine displacement, even it was only a 305.
Got now next to my Escalade a 75 Eldorado convertible in the garage. Don’t know which one I like the most.
Always good luck with your car.
Hi Hans,
are you not living in germany?
It is ok to own a oldtimer like the Eldo, when it is older than 30 Years. You can get a special way off lizens. I pay only 200€/Year tax. Enginesize, HP don´t matters. Cars that aren´t 30 years or older will cost a lot off money more! The 75 Eldo is a nice car too. For sure the escalade too.
Beautiful Eldorado, Volkier. You should be proud of her, That Silver with white interior, Now thats a beautiful piece of Cadillac Art work.Very Impressive.
Speaking of Art Work, I have Daves Cadillac Art. I hand draw and hand paint Cadillacs and laSalles on T-Shirts. If You go into the Cadillac Country Club’s Automotive Art Form, and Under Daves Cadillac Art, and see the Black ’67 Cadillac Eldorado I did, perhaps You may want a T-shirt with Your Silver Eldorado on it.
The cost are listed in the Automotive Art Forum and my email address also their if perhaps you might be interested in getting one done. I ship world-wide too.
Nice Car, take care of it, a Beautiful Piece of High Quality and Craftmanship from Cadillac.
respectavively yours,
Dave Beveridge.
There was some Bodywork to do…