Our friend Earle just sent this to me and it cracked me up. With all the stress of holiday shopping I thought you may need a break and a good laugh. I needed this after this week. There was a story out of Texas where a Cadillac dealer dropped a 1953 Cadillac off a crane for a publicity stunt. Singer Sinead O’Connor got married in Las Vegas in a Cadillac drive thru. Needless to say I won’t link to either story. Now for a good laugh!
Thats Great, Red U gave me an idea, watch for the Red Greens Cadillac Backhoe on a T-shirt.
That video was so halarious, but the Cadillac Backhoe( no Front Hoe ) did work, just would take forever to move all that dirt, hahahaha and the gas to power the Caddy at these gas prices ,You would have to be rich just to run the engine.
If their is anyone interested in their Cadillac or LaSalle hand drawn and hand painted on a T-shirt, please contact me, Dave Beveridge, Daves Cadillac Art, carslovei@hotmail.ca or my cell,905-630-9862, anytime.
Thanks Red, only a true Canadian would think of do something like this! hahahaha
This is such an indignant way for any Cadillac to end its life.
Why couldn’t he have used a B.M.W., Audi, Mercedes, or any Japanese car?
No one would have cared.
Poor Caddy 🙁
I think the fact that he used a Cadillac shows that Cadillac is the best and least likely vehicle to be used.