Our friend Earle sent in a bunch of pictures from the 2014 Cadillac LaSalle club’s Grand National event held in Lake George New York. I was sorry I couldn’t make it this year as I was still on the West Coast. I am so glad that Earle went and took a bunch of pictures. It is also a good test for our new picture gallery on the site. Have fun clicking on the pictures to see larger sizes.
Very nice, Vinny but one small correction; the CLC Grand National for 2014 was held in the beautiful town of Lake George NY, not Albany.
Thanks Earle for the correction. I am blaming old age on my part lol.
There are just too many great cars here to have a favorite. Thank you for the photos. They are all great!
I was planning on setting them up to be large when you clicked on the picture. For some reason it didn’t work. You have to click on the picture and then click on it again on the next page for a larger view and hit the browser back button to get back to the post. I am still working on it.