I was just checking out our videos on YouTube and saw that we almost have 20,000 views. I am very humbled that many people have watched the videos. When I film these videos I am always thinking 5 or 10 people will watch them. Never in my wildest dreams would I think about the amount of views we now have.
We have 20 something people subscribed to our channel. These people get an email every time I upload a video. I suggest you subscribe so you get the email also.When I shoot videos I usually do it in bunches at a car show. I usually put one or two in the newsletter and forget about the rest because something new comes about.
Click here to see the Cadillac videos and remember to subscribe. Sometimes I even take videos of other types of cars like this one below which was JFK’s Limo.
20,000 plus, thats a lot of guys and gals watching your videos, that should say how may people have joined the Cadillac Country Club? I sure like your videos, keep them coming.
Dave Beveridge,
Dave’s Cadillac Art,
Vinny, the videos are great! The “other cars” are good too! We all know where your heart is with the Cadillacs, so it’s not a problem. I like to see other cars, like the Lincoln JFK was in, I most likely wouldn’t get to see it if it wasn’t for people like you that care. Keep ’em coming EXCELLENT JOB!
Cool video vinny…my 58 caddilac is coming along fine..ill get some pics as soon as i get home to see it
vinny,PLEASE continue with your videos of different autos from the past.the videos that you,ve been giving to us ARE GREAT.i really liked the volkswagen camper you shot.i thought that vehicle was ADORABLE.these vehicles HAD A PERSONALITY ALL THERE OWN. bring us more !!!!