Just wanted to drop a note to all our loyal members and readers and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving weekend. I am grateful that we have a steady group of members that I never have to moderate and we all get along without issues. I guess everyone having the same passion and the older group we have makes it easy for us to all get along.
The past few months have ben exciting times for our club. I was just talking with Earle about how our newsletter goes out to 103 countries. I love that we have worldwide lovers of Cadillacs coming together and supporting and helping each other.
Last night I upgraded our server to make it faster, since I added the forum we got a little slow. I also decided to make the pictures larger in quality than what we had so that is taking up more space. Our members are worth the extra money it cost.
The site has grown so much in the past year due to me getting busy on social media. It was only a matter of time before I had to upgrade the server.
In the past year our site is up to over 2100 followers on Twitter, We have over 50 likes on Facebook and our newsletter list has grown by 75% this year. I find it amazing how members choose to interact with our site. If you are in social media feel free to follow the site on those links. Since adding the Cadillac Forum we have had some good discussions and I think it is over 400 members. In case you didn’t know the reason I set up the forum was for members to interact and help each other. There is also a section where you can list your Cadillac for sale and it is free. I can’t believe this section hasn’t been flooded with Cadillacs for sale yet. If you are a dealer or know a dealer let them know it is open to them also. I just want to see Cadillacs find a nice home.
This upcoming year I am going to start making some more EBooks. I have made one that we give away(you need adobe reader installed) free on 1947 Cadillac.
Just wanted to say thanks for being a member and I hope you and your family have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving.
What’s that about “older” membership?? when I used to visit car shows in Los Angeles, I found it interesting that the people involved in the Cadillac and Cadillac/LaSalle shows were always the most friendly, helpful and sincere, when my instincts told me the more “blue collar” labels would be so. Now I am one of the Cad League, and I’m liking it! Keep up the good work, Vinny.
Hope this holiday season is a great one for you, and when you get all froze-up and snowed-in, think of me. Here in the Southern California desert–wearing sun-bloc and drinking date milkshakes. . . .
Yes Bruce we do have an older crowd here, there is nothing wrong with that lol. I will be sure to send you some pictures of the snow when I get snowed in.
I totally agree with how friendly everyone is in the Cadillac world.
I’d be happy to be seconder on that one Vinny.
Yes, it’s nice feeling being a member here in this special group.
It’s truly mind boggling how in some groups the vitriol starts up and gets spewed all over the place so recklessly.
Not really something that I would even think about buying into.
But the “older” reference here reminded me of the verse in Paul Simon’s song “The Boxer” which he added later in life after he and Art Garfunkel had gone through some of their difficult periods.
Here it is:
“Now the years are rolling by me
They are rocking evenly
And, I’m older than I once was
And younger than I’ll be
That’s not unusual
Nor is it strange
After changes upon changes
We are more or less the same
After changes, we are more or less the same.
A very happy thanksgiving to all.
That was a really nice letter that Vinny sent to all the American Cadillac Owners on thew Amerian Thanksgiving. At least North Ameriac celebrates one Christmas, not 2.
I would like to wish everyone an early Merry Christmas.
HACKING. I would like to know why their are some people out their in” Computer Land” that love to “HACK” in other peoples emails? I was Hacked into my email last week, my computer hasn’t been the same ,neither am I. My old email: carslovei@hotmail.com was hacked into and I can not receive any newsletters or talking to any fellow Cadillac Owners, or even try to sell my art work on line.
I now have: carslovei@hotmail.ca if any members should try to contacy me. Thankyou.
Dave Beverage.
Dave I don’t understand why you cant get into your email anymore. I can change the email you have here to the new .ca one.