I get emails from members on our Cadillac newsletter list all the time asking how they can help out our club. The best thing that you can do if you want to help is spread the word about the site. This site is a collaborated effort and spreading the news on each others stories helps bring in more people to share more stories. The more the merrier.
Recently I made a decision on the site to make the pictures larger. My theory is our members like to see Cadillacs in a higher resolution and this makes the pages load slightly slower. This has caused our site to lose a few spots in the search engines since they like faster loading websites. Like a 1/2 of second is gonna matter, it is just crazy. I say heck with them our members are more important that that. My job is to make the site the best possible for our members enjoyment.
I know our readers are a little bit older than the average social media user but if you are on these sites you can help the club out. If you want to set one up and need help I can help you get started.
Do you have a Facebook account? On your about or info page there is a place called websites. If you put https://www.cadillaccountryclub.com there it will help. If you haven’t already you should give a like on our Club page.
Do you have a Twitter account? Log in and go to settings then Profile and where it says Web put in https://www.cadillaccountryclub.com This helps us spread the word on Twitter. Are you following me on Twitter? You should be I can be found at @Caddychat.
Basically any website that you comment on when there is a place where you fill out and it ask for your website or URL put https://www.cadillaccountryclub.com in that space.
Another good way to help is by leaving comments on the post. A few people do this on every post and it is much appreciated but with the amount of members we have it should be more. If you would like to have your picture next to your comments sign up at Gravatar and upload a picture. This picture will be placed not only on our site but every site that you comment on that uses your email address. It is quite simple and I can help you if you get stuck.
If you have a website and want to link to us I highly encourage that. If you send me an email back I will put a link to your automotive site on our site.
On the bottom of every post there is some social media buttons to Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. I am asking if you like the article and want to help spread the word please do it. If you have any other ideas to help spread the word leave it in the comments section here or send me an email.
Hi Vinny, I do that all the time, I mentioned the Cadillac Country club to membership opf thew Cadillac-LaSalle Club of Canada in B.C. and to anyone that may show a desire in Cadillacs and LaSalles.
take care,
i remain,
respectatively yours,
Dave Beveridge.
Good to know Dave, it is much appreciated!
I am truly a cadillacian to the bone, check out my web site and link it to your site so others will know about the Alabama Cadillac club.