One of our Facebook group members made a video on the history of Cadillac. Thought I would share it. I hope you enjoy it. If yo like it please share it.
We Have Finally Moved To Arizona
It has been about 10 years in the making but we have finally made the move to Arizona. We put the house up in NYC for sale a few weeks ago and have an apartment in Tucson. We bough an acre of land in Benson Arizona but it has all sorts of hassles with it and putting a house on it seems to be impossible. Once we sell the NYC house we will buy something already built.
For those of you that have been members here for 10 years you know the struggle we have had. It is nice to be at the end of the journey.
I am reconstructing the engine of my caddy 390 1964 convertible. Can you help me find what i need to do it.?
Vinny, thanks for sharing with us ,The Cadillac History Video.