Hi all
Sorry I haven’t updated the site in a while. As most of you know I am located in NYC and got hit hard by the hurricane. We had almost 5 feet of water throughout our one story home.
We fled the house with our pets and the clothes on our back. We are waiting to hear from insurance.
I have lived in this house for 44 years and it took two weeks to throw away everything we own.
Hi So sorry for the whole incident. Glad you still have your home. Word of cautiion. Make sure any repairs you do are done after the wood has dried out. Johnstown 1977 flood the neighbor had water on the first floor. Replaced the floor and after the original dried out the floor buckled. I had a basement full but none on first floor. Sad, sad situation. Hang in there.
Wow! Sorry to hear about that, and hope you will be able to recover some semblance of sanity! I wish I was closer so that I could help some. Do you need anything sent that way? Canned food, pet food or anything? You find out how much stuff it takes to operate after you lose it all. I have been sending money to the Red Cross, so let me know if there is some small way I can help. Tom Fort Worth, TX
Hey Vinny,
If it were a joking matter, I’d say maybe you could live in your “Land Yacht,” but, seriously, I do know from personal experience a bit of how you must feel. If I can do anything to help, I’m an e-mail away. Sorry that, at the moment, I can’t even offer you a “getaway” to stay out here in the “hot, dry Mojave.” At least, here in “shake and bake” land, we tend not to lose as many posessions as a flood can take from us; still, sometimes “be prepared” isn’t enough. My thoughts are with you.
Member and former “flood region” Buckeye
From northern Alberta We all watched but felt helpless .We have never had a bad storm so it’s hard the comprehend what it would be like . I was thinking about the antique things that were being destroyed too. Alot of Canadians went down to help ,Firemen ,and electrical personel .My brother lives in Sebring FL and had part of his roof blown off in a earlier storm . George Brownvale Alberta
Everyone here at Voss have you, your family and everyone who was effected on the East coast in our minds, please let us know if we can help in any way.
We did not have near what the folks in New York City ans area got, but the streets of Toronto up to 2 feet of water from Sandy as it trailed by us, a ton of water for about 4 days and it is still moist up here in a lot of places.UI hope you were able to save some clothes Vinny, I hope that hand painted T-shirt I gave you last year is still around.
Take care,
Dave Beveridge
If not, I will make you a few more over the winter,
Dave Beveridge
Sorry to hear about your home, glad everyone is ok. I live on the Gulf coast between Houston and Galveston and I’ve been through a couple of floods. So here is a little advice during the repairs.
I’m not sure what building materials are used up there but if it is sheetrock (gypsum board) make sure and remove all of it. After my first flood experience the repairs were not done correctly and only the part of the sheetrock that was exposed to the water was removed. Problem is the paper backing wicks the water all the way up the boards and five feet will definetly render the wall covering useless. Also as stated previously make sure all the exposed wood, (floors, walls, etc.) are allowed to completely dry before putting any covering back on. After all the repairs are done you may still have problems with doors. Months after my last flood experience two of my interior doors warped and had to be replaced.
God be with you and your family and good luck.
Sorry about your miss fortune, western sc is a great place to live. David.58 coupe deville.
vinny,glad to hear your ok.i,m down here in va.beach and we were lucky that sandy stayed off the coast while it went north.the outer banks of north carolina got tore up pretty bad. go thru your home thourghly & check for ANY damage that you may have overlooked. !!!! brian
Hi Vinny,
What a terrible situation to be in-I really feel for you. I hope things go well for your repairs. I live in San Diego and had a friend who did insurance adjusting for a private company. If you run into problems with your insurance, you should hire an independent adjuster to advocate and handle your claim so you get the maximum amount as stated on your policy. Good luck and I’ll be thinking of you.
SO sorry for your losss. The only ray of hope is you and your family are OK. Things you can replace. Memories are forever. But life itself is irreplaceable.
Best of luck to you.
I am sooo sorry about your loss. I live in Missouri and the flood of 1993 hit our home. We were fortunate enough it only got in the basement and lost what was down there. We lived in the country so we had wheat stubble and alot of mud to clean up. I remember the help my father received during that time (he was a paraplegic) and it was wonderful knowing there were people willing to help. If there is anything at all that I can do to help please let me know. I have a lot of stuff and would be willing to send what ever I can to you and your family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do and my prayers are with you and your family.
sorry to hear about your situation. I lost a home and two cars, a Rolls and a mercedes 190 to a flood in kentucky in 2010. I know exactly what you are going thru. Dig your heels in and make sure ins company is fair with you.
took 2 months while I lived in a motel. The river came up 50 feet in one day and was under water for 4 days.
total loss, but I had flood ins. Comprehensive auto ins agreed value paid for cars.
good luck going forward.
I am so sorry to hear of your losses. I am in Connecticut so I am all too aware of the problems that you are now facing. It is frustrating what you are going through and will be for a long, long time. I am glad to know that you and your family are safe and sound though. That is what is important now. Your home and possessions can be replaced. You and your family have my sincerest sympathy. Take as long as you need to get back in the saddle. We will all understand.
Wayne (Cadrolls)
Hang in there Vinny!
We were lucky enough over here in S central PA to miss the main part of Sandy! Even though most of the area lost electric we did not even lose it thru the whole storm until the following night after it was gone then we where sitting in the dark for about an hour! Who’s knows why! Good luck and make sure they redo your home correctly as to not have future problems arising from incorrectly remolding!
Vinny,,i didnt realize you were there. Im so glad your ok..dispite the lose..you need anything let me know..ill do what i can..im a truck driver all over the usa..i have friends near by that may assist you if you need..Im so sorry you had to go thru that,,take care ,,you and your family,,youre in my thoughts and prayers
Thanks all.
I have been moved and inspired by you all. While I know we have a caring bunch here I don’t really get to see it everyday as a group.
This whole storm has had some effect on me. The first two days were worse than the storm since we had no food. The storm was over most of our kitchens making what food we had saved for the storm worthless.
We have flood insurance and they will be here tomorrow. I was ashamed to make a post about this on the site since I felt it was begging. I am a proud NYC guy and asking for help is not my nature. I felt bad posting about our book and about the breast cancer walk where I asked to donate. There was no way I was going to ask for help with this also.
Luckily I have many friends in the online space that helped out so we really didn’t need it. I will know more after the insurance guy comes tomorrow.
Dave I am sorry to say the t-shirt didn’t make it. I have been in my house for 44 years and had to throw away almost everything we owned. I was fine until I opened the closet and saw the shirt. I was crying like a baby and mt girlfriend Debbie had to take it from me. It was the only thing that made me break down and cry.
When the flood came it also brought oil throughout the neighborhood. It was all over everything.
Thanks all for the support. Hug your kids and take 5 minutes to look at your insurance policy’s to make sure you have enough. Flood insurance is separate from home owners.
Our prayers are with you and your family and neighbors, Vinny. We’ve sent help from Houston TX and I’ve donated through my Lions Club International, Operation Blessings, etc. Hopefully things are improving rapidly in the area. It takes years to truly recover. Galveston still is rebuilding from Ike’s damage. We weather many storms here, and always thankful to be safe and comfortable, even though we lose many possessions. I pray for the safety and comfort of you all. If I can help more from Houston, let me know.
Hi Vinny.
I’ve been off line for a while and just read about your terrible plight. I am so sorry to hear this very sad news.
Nature sure can be cruel at times and we never know when it will happen.
Ironically I was in Toronto for the Gordon Lightfoot Massey Hall concerts as I’m a huge fan and I discovered that several of the regular folks who come up from the USA for his Massey Hall concerts had to cancel because they were affected to greatly because of the storm.
We’ll be sure to search out a reliable charity here in Ottawa, Canada and make a donation.
Take good care and please keep us posted.
Ron J.
Unbelievable…My thoughts go out to you and your family. The main thing s your ok. I admire your reslience. 44 years in the same house and just a moment of time it’s almost gone.
Your community’s strength, determination and will is seen throughout the world..Simply admirable. As the previous note by Beverly stated, we hope you remain safe and comfortable.
Best Wishes
Hamilton, Ontario
Greeting from Zimbabwe!
Dear Vinny, out here in this part of darkest Africa the rainy season has only just begun, but so far no awful flooding. I was horrified to read of what the hurricane did to you and so many others. Poor you! I haven’t got any further with my ’56 Coupe deVille principally because the local garage hasn’t got round to assembling the engine yet despite my procuring the new parts. So frustrating! Anyhow, I wish you and all the Cadillac brotherhood a very happy Christmas.
Just thought I would give you an update.
I spent the last month or so taking apart the house and stripping out all the insulation and the hard wood floor. What a painstaking thing.
The first thing we did after the storm was rent an apartment in Arizona near where my girlfriends daughter lives. She found an apartment cheap that allows pets and I got my girlfriend out of our house with our cats while I literately destroyed the house.
The house is now sitting empty as we wait for the insurance check which will be tough to rebuild with. We are also looking into raising our house. The community is looking into raising all the houses actually. We will see. I am spending the holidays in Arizona and after the new year heading to Las Vegas for a conference and then flying back to NY to start the rebuilding. My best friend is a handy carpenter so that will save us some money. It is amazing how this flood has changed my way of thinking. I instituted a new rule where if I don’t use something in the house for 30 days it goes in the garbage lol. Spending all that time throwing useless stuff out that I never used changed my way of thinking.
I had so many Cadillac books that I had planned on doing giveaways with that sat in my house and became garbage it isn’t even funny. It is just sad.
Thanks for all the thoughts as I go through this. Things can be replaced but family can’t. I feel so sad for all those families in the Conneticut shooting that this flood thing pales in comparison to their loss.
I am glad to hear that you your family are okay. Thankfully, you had a family to back you up when you needed it. I hope all is well in the future and we all look forward, I’m sure, to seeing more from your awesome site soon.