Not exactly Cadillac related but more of a personal thing that I wanted to share with everyone. You all know I love taking pictures of Cadillacs. Since the Space Shuttle Enterprise was coming to NYC to be on display on the USS Intrepid I kind of became infatuated with getting pictures of it. I live very close to JFK airport so I found out when it was landing here and took a few thousand pictures and some video of it flying in.
On Sunday they placed the shuttle on a barge and floated it 1/2 mile from my house. Of course I had to get pictures of that. Well after standing on a bridge for 8-10 hours it finally came through. Before it did it had to pass under a train bridge but the shuttle hit the bridge and damaged the wing.
I got pictures of it hitting the wing, after posting about it on an aviation forum I was contacted by CNN asking if they could use my pictures. Of course I said yes! They went live around 545am with the story and my pictures were running all day long on CNN. You can fast forward the video to the 230 second part and see my pictures. Can’t tell you how ecstatic I have been all day. I felt the need to share it with what I consider my Cadillac family.
That is exciting! Will this require a new entry in your resume?
I have been calling myself “As seen on CNN” all day. My girlfriend is tired of it lol
Hey Vinny:
Congrats ! Nice Job!
Hey Vinny:
Congrats ! Well Done !
Nice to see that CNN credited you by putting your name on the actual photo. Did you frame the royality check? You’d have thought the towbat operator would have been more careful. I’ll bet there’s a considerable claim against Weeks Marine for the damage to the cargo as well as to the bridge.