I just noticed that we have broken a little milestone – This is the 100th post that I have sent out to our club. It seems like yesterday that I started this site but I guess time has flown by. Out of the 100 post I would probably figure 90 of them were from members with helpful suggestions and with pictures of their Cadillacs and such. For that I am grateful.
Cadillac Record Breaking Parade
This event is quickly coming up and I just wanted to send a little reminder out about it again. We have at least 2 members bringing their Cadillac that I know of. I am still not sure if I will be attending so if you do go please take some pictures. The record breaking attempt was even covered in the New York Times yesterday. I am really pulling for them to break the record. If you are planning on going leave a comment on this post so maybe you can meet other members of the club.
What Are Dagmars?
The other day in an email a member asked me what Dagmars are. This caught me by surprise but the more I think about it since our site has a big international readership it may just be a term that we use in the United States. Back in the early 1950’s when tail fins were getting bigger so was the front bumper.
On the bumper there were usually two “Dagmars” on it. They were the bulb like things that stuck out and also resembled a woman’s breast. They were nicknamed Dagmars after an actress of the day that was known for having large breast. For more information on this I send you over to Wikipedia. What are Dagmars?
New Look Here
I had my friend Leslie from Lesrubadesigns expand the banner to make it wider to cover the whole header. The old banner size showed a lot of white around it and to tell you the truth it has been bothering me for a long time. Thanks Leslie it looks great.
Our Next Newsletter
In the next few days I plan on sending another newsletter as our friend Earle just sent me some new pictures of his Cadillac and it sure is sharp. You may remember Earle from his 1978 flower car. Well the flower car has a new companion. I will try to get the newsletter out with pictures in a day or so. I have been slacking with newsletters lately.
Congratulations on the 100th. post!