Save Money On Gas By Making A Few Changes.
Gas seems to be going up everyday and with the rising prices of gasoline the first thing that crosses your mind is how can I save money. You will always prefer that your Cadillac provides maximum mileage but consumes lesser amount of precious fuel. You obviously don’t want to run up your monthly car expenses
So if you want to save money and enjoy your car rides without worrying too much about fuel expenses then you must make your car more fuel-efficient. To get the most out of your fuel tanks without burning a hole in your pockets you can adopt the following budget-friendly tips on how to make your car more fuel-efficient:
To get more miles per gallon of fuel both while driving in the city or on the highway you’ve got to regularly check your car tuning. Keep an eye on the spark plugs and if there is any problem get it tuned immediately so that no additional fuel gets wasted.
The air filters of your car’s engine often accumulate dirt particles. So get your car air filters checked regularly and replace them as and when necessary to increase your car’s fuel efficiency.
You can see more tips on the maintence section here