If you are looking to get a classic Cadillac then this is the auction for you. Garth Richards a collector in Nevada is auctioning off a few dozen Cadillacs that he collected over the years. He wants to find them good homes. With so many Cadillacs being auctioned at one time you are sure to get some good prices. There are over 40 Cadillacs in the collection that are up for auction.
This auction is in a few weeks so there is not much time to go see the cars before the auction. Looks like it will be a lot of fun. For more on the details see Vintage Cadillacs Auctions. If you are going to bid good luck to you. If I had the money I would buy them all. I will try to keep you updated on the actual sales numbers if I can find them.
How Many Ways Can Cadillac Be Spelled?
This week I was checking some stats on the site and I discovered that people do a lot of searching for Cadillacs. I also noticed that a lot of people do not know how to spell Cadillac. I came up with about a dozen ways people spell it. Some are the way it sounds but some are not even close. Here is the list, if you can think of other ways leave it in the comment box. I would be glad to hear them.
Vote For Missy
Over the years Missy has helped me keep this site going. She is also one of the nicest people going. She is in this contest and I am trying to get her more votes. If you feel like doing me a favor just click on her page and click the yellow vote button. You can do it once a day until the contest is up. I would consider it a huge favor and thanks in advance.